Dr. Sabine Renken
Dr. Sabine Renken

Dr Sabine Renken, M.A., born and raised in Hamburg, completed her law studies in Hamburg, Geneva and Munich. She spent her legal traineeship in Hamburg, with stations in San Francisco and Berlin. This was followed by a doctorate in Hamburg on a topic in the law on contracts for work and services. After practical training as a business mediator, she completed her Master’s degree in mediation at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder in 2007.

Dr Renken was a partner in a large German law firm in Hamburg for many years, where she was head of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Group. As a lawyer, she specialises in contract law, private construction law, architectural law and real estate law. As a mediator, she mainly deals with the resolution of conflicts in corporate law, corporate succession, real estate business and construction law, inheritance law and separation and divorce conflicts with a real estate connection.

Dr Renken used to be a member of the supervisory board (later: advisory board) of edding AG for a long time. She has long been a volunteer on the board of MKBauImm – Mediation und Konfliktmanagement in der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft – e.V..

Ms Renken is an active equestrian.

Foreign languages: English


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E-Mail: info@mittelstein.de

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